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One World Music. Carnatic Music CDs.
Asthapadi. Audio CD. $12.95
Artist: Janardhanan Nedungadi.
Duration: 60 Minutes.
Ashtapadi or Gitagovinda is a rhyme of eternal love and supreme devotion. Gitagovinda was composed in the 12th century by poet Jayadeva. His extreme devotion for Lord Krishna led to the creation of one of the most beautiful poetic works in Sanskrit. The songs in Gitagovinda symbolize the eternal love of Lord Krishna and his beloved Radha, which is equally significant for its supreme devotion to God. Janardhanan Nedungadi is a versatile artist with over five decades of experience in Sopana music tradition. He was formerly the Ashtapadi Bhagavathar [singer] of Guruvayoor Sree Krishna Temple. He presents selected portions of Ashtapadi. Edakka: Gurvayoor Sasi.
Raganubhava. [Jugalbandi]. I. $10.00
Artist: Jayadevan, Debajit Chakrabarty.
Duration: 50 Minutes.
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Raganubhava I is a Jugalbandi of two mighty strands of Indian Classical Music, Carnatic and Hindustani. Rendered by renowned artist Jayadevan on the Violin, Debajit Chakrabarty on the Sitar, Neyveli Venkitesh on the Mridangam and Subhajyoti Guha on the Tabla.
Raganubhava. [Jugalbandi]. II. $10.00
Artist: Jayadevan, Debajit Chakrabarty.
Duration: 50 Minutes.
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Raganubhava II, Jugalbandi of two mighty strands of Indian classical music, Carnatic and Hindustani. Rendered by renowned artiste's Jayadevan on the Violin, Debajit Chakrabarty on the Sitar, Neyveli Venkitesh on the Mridangam and Subhajyoti Guha on the Tabla.
Keli. The Symphony of Love. Audio CD. $10.00
Artist: Kudamaloor Janardanan.
Duration: 60 Minutes.
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Indian Arts is a celebration of love in all its immense variety and charm.
Kudamaloor Janardanan creates a mood of ecstasy in love on flute.
Love, the prime passion that moves the universe, energizing souls, giving life its colors and fragrances ...
Love on flute by
Kudamaloor Janardanan is music par excellence.
Oothukkadu Krithis. Veena. $10.00
Instrumental Music CD by Jayalakshmi Sekhar.
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Listeners of this Veena recital could easily embark on the sublimity of Oothukkadu Kritis.
Oothukkadu Kritis are unique carnatic Music compositions by Oothukkadu Venkata Kavi. In the galaxy of music, he will always find a place as a shining star.  Venkata Kavi was a great personality, an innovator who contributed a lot to carnatic music. A complete master of music in all senses of the term, he has total command over melody, rhythm and lyrics besides being fluent in Sanskrit and Tamil. He was proficient in a variety of musical forms such as kriti, javali, tillana and kavadi chindu.
Sadaram. carnatic Recital on the Violin. $10.00
Instrumental Music CD by A. Jayadevan and Thiruvaarur Bakthavathsalam
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Sadaram, a violin concert in carnatic Classical Music, by A. Jayadevan. Accompanied by Tiruvaarur Bakthavatsalam on mrudangam and vaikom R. Gopalakrishnan on ghatam. Jayadevan's mastery of violin is well evident as he plays some of the Keerthanas featuring in this Audio CD, composed by the likes of the great Thyagaraja, Swathi Thirunal, Meerabai and contemporary masters like Dr. M. Balamuralikrishna and Papanasam Sivan.
Sagara. The Sea. $10.00
Instrumental Music CD by Dr. P. Padmesh. Flute [Odakkuzhal] Rendition.
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Plumbing the depths, plummeting in the blueness, wafting in the waves, the endless vitality of the sea stretches on even beyond the horizon. For ever shimmering, for ever sublime, the sea connects us with eternity. Lulling us, carrying across births and deaths to some immortal shore.
Shri. Padmesh is a young talented flautist and is the only disciple in Kerala of Padmashree Dr. N. Ramani. He was bestowed with a scholarship from Human Resource Development, Govt. of  India ,and several awards for his excellence in Flute.
Samagamam. Eternal Confluence. $10.00
Violin rendition by A. Jayadevan.
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A. Jayadevan's music is noted for one of the most elegant feelings of life, a sweet reunion with the beloved after the bitter pangs of separation. The tinkling of an anklet, the soft fall of a footstep, the lilt of a familiar voice journeys end in lovers meeting.
Samagamam Eternal Confluence, is a mysterious journey into life through one of the musical wonders, Violin.
Thiruvathirappattukal. Thiruvathira Songs. $10.00
Malayalam Vocal, Thiruvathira Songs by Geeta Rajendran and Aruna Thampi.
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This CD presents nine Thiruvathirappattukal which are part of Kerala's traditional life and culture.
Thiruvathirappattu, is the song that accompanies Thiruvathirakali. In Thiruvathirakali, dancers execute graceful movements full of laasya around a lighted traditional wick lamp [nilavilakku]. The dance follows a circular, pirouetting pattern accompanied by clapping and singing. The songs sound like a flowing river sometimes it moves swiftly, sometimes they hurtle down like waterfalls, sometimes they have docile movements and at times they are serene.
Varshaa. Rain Melodies. Fusion Music by Jaison J. Nair and Aby. $10.00
Portraying the characteristic moods of Monsoon rains of Kerala.
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The monsoons transform the state of Kerala into a land of verdant beauty. Locally known as Edavapathi or the heavy Southwest Monsoon and Thulavarsham or the Northeast Monsoon. The climate during the monsoon is relished by both animate and inanimate, some of which spring to life, while others get rejuvenated. As the Monsoons dictate the rhythm of life, the people as well as other life forms become part of it. For some, the music that the rains bring are exciting and for those with a literary bent of mind, the climate perks up their creative thoughts. While some idle away in the all-prevailing cool ambiance.
Veena. Utsava Sampradaya Kritis. $10.00
Kritis of Thyagaraja by Maya Varma. Instrumental Music CD.
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Utsava Sampradaya Kritis are songs written in association with Pooja Vidhi or the traditional rituals involved in worshiping. These songs composed by Saint Thyagaraja are simple, inspiring and spiritual. Veena is verily the most mesmerizing of the classical musical instruments in India. Here the musical perfection of the Utsava Sampradaya Krithis is captured on the enchanting notes of the Veena.
Yamini. The Night. $10.00
[Odakkuzhal] rendition by Dr. P. Padmesh.
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The intriguing darkness, the enigmatic beauty, the rhapsody of silence ...
Each night brings a new experience - varied, unique, mystical yet transcending the individual. The night is also universal and eternal, leading all humanity into a new day and new hope.

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