World Dance.
Beautiful Dance CDs, DVDs, VCDs, Media. |
One World Dance,
is a collection
of carefully selected .....
Genuine Dance ...... CDs,
DVDs, VCDs, Media ..... by some of the best loved artists.
We offer an Exotic Collection of ..... Indian Classical Dance
Forms .... Bharata Natyam, Kathak,
Kathakali, Mohinin Attam, Kuchipudi,
Manipuri, Odissi.
Modern Dance, Workout, Yoga DVDs |
Dance that inspires
enhances spirit and celebrates life. |
One World Dance,
brings to you vibrancy and
richness of Dance from India, so people from the world over can experience
it and artists as well as viewers have a meeting point across
boundaries of space and time. |
Browse through the site to
see the widely divergent Indian Classical Dances influences from all over
India, by some of the leading Dancers from India and around the
World. |
Today, Indian Classical Dance is a permanent part of Western Culture.
The openness, will to learn, and sincere enthusiasm of western
audiences are a continuing source of inspiration and delight. Indian
Classical Dance, is one of the highest forms of Expression and nourished
through its rich cultural heritage. |
Dance Media from Artists like Padma Chebrolu,
Shambhavi Vaze, Anita Ratnam, Sujata Mohapatra, Pali Chandra, Bimbavati Devi, Margi Thiruvananthapuram, Anita Sharma, Dr. Deepti Omchery Bhalla
and the impressive list goes on ..... |
Indian Classical Dance ..... An Introduction. |
India has a very rich tradition of classical dance. The
Natya Shastra, which is the
oldest surviving text on stagecraft in the world, spends a
considerable time discussing it. In the old days of the
theatre, the dancers would mime the story while the singers
would sing the dialogue. The instrumentalists would accompany
them all. The nature of the old theatre was such that the
dancers occupied a central position.
For many centuries the dancers were
attached to the temples. This maintained a strong religious flavour
to dance. Even today many of the traditional themes are mythological
in nature. |
Over the centuries different areas have
given their own colour to the ancient classical tradition. Today the
acknowledged classical styles are: Bharatnatyam of Tamil Nadu,
Kathakali of Kerala, Kuchipudi of Andhra Pradesh, Manipuri of
Northeast India, Orissi from Orissa, and Kathak from north India and
Pakistan. Each of these styles has a strong regional connection and
none can claim to be representative of the entire Indian
subcontinent. |
To read and know
more about different
Classical Dance Forms of India. |
Browse through a Unique
and Exotic collection of Dance
CDs, DVDs, VCDs, Media. |